Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Winners of The Best Portraits of 2009~Elma, WA

To see the original post and comments click here.

With a total of 32 votes cast and a recount I am excited to announce a tie for first place...

Both winners with receive the prize of either an enlargement of the winning photo or $80 credit.


Number 1

Number 41
best of 09

Winner of I-Tunes gift Card:
Comment #21 Mindy

Winner of Tans at A New Look Hair Designs:
Comment #26 Ann

All Winners please get in contact with me as soon as you can so I can get your prizes to you.
Congratulations to all~

(There was also a tie for Second and third places)

Second Place
best of 09
best of 09

Third Place
best of 09
best of 09


Julie Danielle February 14, 2010 at 1:02 AM  

What lovely shots! The last one makes me so ready for spring.


Thank you very much for fitting me into your busy schedule. I really appreciated it...and the pictures were amazing. Daniel, Me, and Little Daniel are definitely coming to see you for our family picture. Thanks! Rachel Merriweather, NC

I loved my experience with Melinda; I brought my daughter and son to her and
plan to bring the entire family to her next month. She was cheerful and had
some really great ideas but also let you be creative and use your ideas as
well. My daughter absolutely loves her pictures and we have gotten many
compliments on how beautiful they are. In that we have also given many
referrals to people who would love to have the same experience we had. I
highly recommend Melinda for any of your portrait needs!!
Tonya Nelson, McCleary

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